From this page you will be able to look back at the history of the Portsmouth Area Talking News, from the time it was suggested in 1973 to the present time. Where we have used press cuttings, the text will be copied separately to make it readable. We have also added some BBC footage from the very start of our history that has just been unearthed.
1973 - PATN Beginnings BBC video footage from 1973 (click the blue heading on the left) evidences the origins of PATN - having emerged from Portsmouth Hospital Broadcasting. The interview is between the BBC's Dennis Rookard, who helped develop local hospital radio generally alongside his own broadcasting career, and John Wilkinson of Portsmouth Hospital Broadcasting. John Wilkinson was a Portsmouth News associate editor and journalist, who became chairman of PATN shortly afterwards.
1988 - Cheque Presentation
1988/89 - Cheque Presentation
1989 - Mayoral Visit
2009 - Gone Digital
2010 - AGM
2012 - Titchfield Seminar - AGM
2013 - Annual Lunch - 40th Anniversary AGM and celebration
2014 - Annual Lunch
2015 - Former Reader and Team Leader, Russell
2020 - Lord Mayor's Tea & Chat - February
2024 - The 50th Anniversary Speech of the Chairman, Christopher Golding, is featured in audio format (below) and was given at the Anniversary Lunch held on Friday 26 April 2024. To listen, click on the attached Web Player. A major article in the Portsmouth News is also featured underneath.